Tooling Refurbishment

Reduce your tooling spend by increasing the lifespan of your existing tools

Kane knows that your goal is to produce the best quality with the minimal amount of expense. And that is why at Kane we consider ourselves obsessed with lowering your overall manufacturing cost by providing measurable cost savings to you 24/7/365.

When materials shortages and tool costs are on the rise, it should come as no surprise that refurbishing your existing tools to “like new” condition will minimize your total spend.

Let Kane’s certified tooling technicians refurbish your worn out hand tools to perfectly meet your specifications so that you can continue to receive longer-lasting worry-free use from them — and do this all without the costly expense of full replacement or any unnecessary environmental waste.


Tool Restoration/Repair

Experience the same benefits as hardware reclamation through tool refurbishment and restoration.

Supply Kane with your used/dirty Clecos—they’re a good fit for this process. We’ll transform your tooling to look and perform like its original condition—without the added expense.

Full-service refurbishing of your tools may include:

  • Cleaning
  • Epoxy removal
  • Repair
  • Re-lube
  • Inspection
  • Packaging

Quality Assurance is Priority Number One

As an ISO 9001 and AS9100 certified organization, we have the skills and processes in place to expertly support all of your hardware and hand tool refurbishment needs and help you maximize your resources to manage a lean supply chain that’s cost effective and flat out delivers when you need it. Use our audited facilities, our skilled workforce, and our proven expertise to automate your production cycle and bring your products to market more affordably and more efficiently than ever.

What Can Kane do for You?

Whatever the size of your project, Kane is built to scale to your needs. Contact Kane today and speak with one of our helpful reconditioning experts to find out just how much you can save by letting Kane inject new life into your dilapidated tools and warn parts.